Saturday, 25 January 2020

woodland retreat

'But is it Green Sallyann?' my mum said. 'Won't you miss the trees, the woods, the English countryside in all it's glories and Seasons?' . So I told her about the wild flower meadows as far as the eye can see, painted a picture of wild herbs and heather tumbling across mountainsides with butterflies and bees chasing the pollen. The neat grey green Olive groves and the abundant fruit on the Citrus trees, orange, lemon, mandarin. The mountain tops tipped like icing with pine forest. 'I'll be fine Mum don't worry about me' I said.

But last night I woke agitated and distressed crying for trees. She was right, she was always right. I need woodland, forest and tranquilty, I need to replenish my soul in the only way a walk in the woods can do. Silent but for Birds twittering over head. And so 'we're going on a mission Christine', I said we can have lunch after but we're not allowed to talk. So off up into the Dikeos mountains we went to find peace, tranquility and fresh. Clean air not tangy and salty like the beach.

It was perfect as dappled light filtered through the trees and wild anemones turned their heads to the sun , pink, blue and mauve it was beautiful. The dry river-bed still clean from recent rains. The Pine Trees stood tall against the mountainside and vistas of Sea, Other Islands and mountain ridges peered between the gaps. Yellow and white daisies competed with the tufted grasses and new shoots clung to craggy rocks. The warmth of the sun filled the air and pine cones scattered on the ground clustered in small groups as if arranged by an artist on a nest of pine needles. Bees hummed and birds sang high up in the trees and for a while only Christine, Missy and I shared the space.

Time to go, but not for long we shall return, so many paths to follow, so much enrichment to be had from silent, soul replenishing nature.