Friday, 18 October 2019

All the worlds a stage and minded of my previous life I watched it pass by as Teenagers trundled down the Epar Road as I breakfasted on local fruit, yoghurt and honey. The procession of kids made their way to who knows where or why but some were in a hurry, some sauntered, some rode their bikes precariously weaving in and out as traffic past. The teachers seemingly trying to keep order by staying on the outside were well spaced out. A few kids hurried to catch up, running past the group as if they wouldn't be missed but had probably nipped behind the boat near the Hermes for a fag. The boys joshing and wacking each other as they bantered with each other. I honed in on the girls, the ones dressed in brighter colours than the rest, flicking their newly coifuured hair, the look at me girls, those that twiddle their earings to accentuate their femininity hoping to be noticed. Several slower boys wandered down apart from the others, maybe less fit, less popular, shy who knows?I nearly wished I was back teaching but thought better of it.I bet those Greek Boys and Girls weren't telling the teachers to Fuck Off.

I'm going to have to get fit myself as that hill up to Kefalos appears to be no obstacle and the highway to everywhere.