Sunday, 3 February 2019

Deal or no deal

Greek Bottoms

The year of 2019 challenges my Greek move in so many ways. Brexit deal, no deal means the cats have to start their rabies injections now at least 4-5 months ahead of schedule just in-case they fail on the first blood test and Pet Passports might not be valid, depending on what you read and where you see it. The only hiccup I've had with the Greek/English house build is that greek cats have small arses and My Big Osc has a fat one. So a 150 square one is no good for my two. No problem armed with Fat Bottom photos and tape measure we've managed to convince the Aluminium Man that a Dog size one will do.
Fat Bottoms

Wednesday 13th hasn't offended anyone yet as the Greeks don't like Tuesdays and The Brits Fridays, so should be ok as long as no salt is spilled, I've put the Greek eye on the box and no walking under ladders.
The ladder bit could be a bit tricky as 69 consecutive days of rain, unheard of in years has meant the lovely Manolis hasn't been able to finish the road. So unless you wear wellies and tread carefully you can't get down to the house. Not going to change the date though as the 29th is looming and who knows what the politicians are going to do.

No Bottoms

So fingers crossed, praying for no rain, hoping the lovely, lovely Manolis can finish the concrete and all should be well.