Saturday, 24 August 2019

Anti Skeet Kit

Having been held prisoner by blood seeking insects, buzzing and banging in the night, power cuts and no water I am now ready for all eventualities.
Greek phrase book in case  have to phone or shout for help and need a Greek Man.
Phone as close to outside wall as possible to ensure a signal short of standing on the roof
Torch for loss of power over a length of time if and when my back up electric power units fail
Plug ins first line of defense, Insect spray second line of defense and not in the picture Flip Flops for bashing the buggers
Antihistamine cream for when they succeed
Tablet for mifi connection more successful for help requests than Phone and a source of entertainment when lying in wait
Air conditioning controller ready to blast out cool air and high rate of flow to send them packing
and water bottles just in case
Map in case I need to rendezvous or direct someone to my place.

Never had to go to these lengths in the UK for a goodnights sleep and yes I have got mosquito nets on all windows but the buggers hitch a lift in anytime on me or the cats.

ps glasses cos I can't read without them